Changes to AHCCCS Enrollment

Aug. 17, 2022

Upon the government's declaration of a public health emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) suspended disenrollment for most members. This decision allowed most enrollees to continue having healthcare amidst a pandemic. Exceptions to this rule include individuals aged out of KidsCare, and individuals who voluntarily disenrolled or relocated out of the state. The federal government has extended the Public Health Emergency for another 90 days, until October 13, 2022. According to AHCCCS, this latest extension is expected to be one of the last. However, the Department of Health and Human Services will notify the public within 60 days of declaring an end to the Public Health Emergency. 

Ending the public health emergency will affect the renewal process for maintaining AHCCCS, making it extremely important to inform patients using this insurance to update the following criteria to ensure they don't experience any gaps in healthcare coverage:

  • Update mailing address, phone number, and email address at, or by calling Health-e-Arizona Plus at 1-855-HEA-PLUS (1-855-432-7587)
    • Monday through Friday, 7:00am - 6:00pm
  • Update your contact information, including any changes in housing during the past two years in Health-e-Arizona PLUS.
    • If you do not have access to the internet, please call 1-855-HEA-PLUS (1-855-432-7587) to update your information
  • Check their mailbox for any other information and updates regarding any updates to their healthcare status!

The AHCCCS has extensively planned for the end of the PHE by organizing a plan for the Return to Normal Renewals and has provided more information and answers to frequently asked questions about eligibility and renewal on their website. AHCCCS members wanting more information or help regarding changes to your AHCCCS enrollment are encouraged to contact your health plan or a community assistor organization